We create custom hair cleansing tea to help you cleanse your auric field and energetic field. Each tea is made by connecting with your guides and finding the obstacles that need healing. To purchase a tea you can venmo @ahotmess or call 303-726-1295
Hair cleansing Tea
The plant medicine is hand picked and dried. Each tea is created custom for healing and cleansing.
The intention is set with moon energy. Clearing any unwanted negative energy and filling the space with positive energy flowing through the plant medicine.
You will receive the tea dry all you will need to do is add water and let it cool. During the cooling process you will read the custom cleansing message just for you and sit with your healing intention. Once the tea cools you will pour it over your hair and let the plant medicine work its magic.
Our specialty essential oil base spray will uplift your intuitive senses. Created to open the 3rd eye chakra this magical spray will help you connect to your intuition and inner knowing. To purchase a spray you can venmo @ahotmess or call 303-726-1295
Use this spray before meditation to connect better with spirit.
Connect in with your spirit guides and deity. Feel that essence of oneness.
Grounded & Focused
Feel calm and present in and circumstances with just one spray of this powerful aroma.
Dive into ‘I AM DEATH: A Journey into Self Discovery & Beyond’ by Tanya Owens. Explore a transformative guide to spiritual healing, grief, & awakening. Available Now!